So, I guess it's January now? Where did that come from? Time moves too fast when you're not in school, let me tell you. In other, completely unrelated news, for a while there was this one ad on youtube that would play in which some person would say, "I recently got married not too long ago" and every time I heard her say that I flipped tables. In my head. Metaphorical tables. Well, to catch up on the gossip from two months ago (why am I so bad at blogging???) I DID finish NaNoWriMo, met my word count goal, and came out with a truly awful novel. It's hard for me to say if it's worse than 2012's novel. On one hand, I actually had a plot this time. On the other hand, it is a horrible, horrible plot. None of my characters ended up the way I wanted them to, and I think that it just sort of fell apart and couldn't redeem itself. Maye I'll rewrite it someday. Maybe. In other news, this is me all week. (how can I say 'all week'? It...