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Showing posts from January, 2014


This is probably the most nonsensical blog that is not written by a teenager. I read other blogs by young adults and I'm always impressed by their Deep Thoughts and Introspection. Caps are necessary. I assure you I mull over made-up and real adult problems too (sometimes) (rarely) but.. but... Cats. And yes, this is the internet, which is full of cats, but I was looking at my own cat, Francis P. Cat, and I was suddenly overcome by how adorable he is and I knew I had to blog about it. Francis P. Cat is 4 1/2 years old and is a fluffy ginger disaster. The P stands for Pickle Princess Potato Pumpkin Pumpkinbutt Pumpkinutter Princess Buttercup Princess Butterbutt Picklebutt Poophead He puts up with me most of the time, except for when he is hungry, and then he is my bff. I assume this is how most cats are. Francis is my French Roommate. Francis is not good at eating things that aren't cat kibble. This is how most of his encounters with non-kibble go: ...


Well, so it's Wednesday. Surprise. I've decided to try and be better at blogging? I am wishing myself luck with that one. Yeeeah I'm going to blog more... suuuuure I'm currently watching the pilot of Helix . I forgot that I hate stressful, mysterious, tv shows. Also, the Pretty One just found a field of dead monkeys who were bursting out of the ground???? In other news, I don't know any of the characters' names.  Hmm. Yeah, not much is new since yesterday. Read a nice, Herald of the People article today. You know, communist propaganda sort of thing. For all interested: Currently on Helix the CDC peeps are looking into a microscope that has ScienceVision. Wow. Ok. This is a really boring post! Sorry dudes! To make up for it, go and read Grimm's Fairy Tale "The Blue Light".  And don...

Heeeey Guyyysss

So, I guess it's January now? Where did that come from? Time moves too fast when you're not in school, let me tell you. In other, completely unrelated news, for a while there was this one ad on youtube that would play in which some person would say, "I recently got married not too long ago" and every time I heard her say that I flipped tables. In my head. Metaphorical tables. Well, to catch up on the gossip from two months ago (why am I so bad at blogging???) I DID finish NaNoWriMo, met my word count goal, and came out with a truly awful novel. It's hard for me to say if it's worse than 2012's novel. On one hand, I actually had a plot this time. On the other hand, it is a horrible, horrible plot. None of my characters ended up the way I wanted them to, and I think that it just sort of fell apart and couldn't redeem itself. Maye I'll rewrite it someday. Maybe. In other news, this is me all week. (how can I say 'all week'? It...