Well! After my first week of NaNoWriMo, I have absolutely concluded that next year I'm going to plan out my novel much more than I did this year. This year I started with an opening paragraph in my head, and three vague character ideas. Being a week in, I wonder how I'm going to make this stretch to 50,000 words, but I suppose that I owe it to myself and my characters to see them to the end. They're just going to have to suffer so, so much on our way there. Also, this will give me plenty of time to develop my villains. So far I only have one, but I might as well add another one or two, just for kicks and giggles. Why not. :) My current villain goes by the name of William, and he's kind of mean so far. He has gone fishing for a magical creature and was mean to it (that sounds like something from a children's book...), and just recently he kidnapped my main character (oh no! It's ok, she's a werewolf, she can handle it haha). He likes to act all nice and f...