...or in this case, blog. Hey, so, guess what? I am terrible at blogging! Guess what Part 2? NaNoWriMo is about to start! Coincidence that I'm suddenly updating my blog???? I think not. Yeah! So, October's been real. Real awesome~ I really don't want November to start. November 2nd is supposed to be the first snow of the season, and I'm still fully embracing fall. Snow, I'm not ready for you. Go away. Anyway, October. Lots of apple eating and picking, lovely fall colors, beautiful weather, good times.... Apparently that's all I have to say about October. That and PLEASE DON'T EVER END . Now that I've been living in Maine for a year and ten months, I'm a lot less homesick than I used to be. I no longer get outraged when people blatantly disregard right-of-way when making left hand turns (that's not true, I still get outraged, I've just come to expect it). I can say "bee-arh" and "lob-stah" like the best of them...