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Dear Diary...

...or in this case, blog.

Hey, so, guess what? I am terrible at blogging!

Guess what Part 2? NaNoWriMo is about to start! Coincidence that I'm suddenly updating my blog???? I think not.

Yeah! So, October's been real. Real awesome~ I really don't want November to start. November 2nd is supposed to be the first snow of the season, and I'm still fully embracing fall. Snow, I'm not ready for you. Go away. 
Anyway, October. Lots of apple eating and picking, lovely fall colors, beautiful weather, good times....

Apparently that's all I have to say about October. That and PLEASE DON'T EVER END.

Now that I've been living in Maine for a year and ten months, I'm a lot less homesick than I used to be. I no longer get outraged when people blatantly disregard right-of-way when making left hand turns (that's not true, I still get outraged, I've just come to expect it). I can say "bee-arh" and "lob-stah" like the best of them. I've started calling it home, instead of meaning Minnesota every time I say "home"!
I do like it here. Living in a small New England town has been... an experience. Probably would've never moved out here if not for the job, and I don't think I regret the move. I've met many wonderful people and made some awesome friends, but I'm in the middle of nowhere, can't feed myself like an adult, and have to spend copious amounts of money to see any and all members of my family.

So, we'll see what the next year brings, I suppose!

In other news, I found an adorbs Spiderman costume for Frank at Goodwill today, and the wretched cat won't let me put it on him. What is even the point of this cat if I can't dress him up in dumb costumes.

Frank is still doing the usual cat things. Nothing new to report there. He's gotten fat? We've both gotten fat; we will be dieting together and neither of us plan to enjoy it.

Hmmm... oh yes. NaNoWriMo.

For real writing a science fiction story this time! I promise. I pinky swear. Cross my heart and hope to die promise.

It'll mainly be a retelling of the Grimms classic "The Six Swans", the one where a king's six sons get transformed into swans and his daughter puts it upon herself to break their curse.

Of course, since it's science fiction, they'll be robots instead of swans, and it'll take place in ~space~. Haha, well, Mars. And a Martian space station, but ~space~ ~the future~ ~etc~

The main character is not the princess, but actually a girl who gets roped rather unwittingly into the whole ordeal, and she's got an interesting backstory which I will maybe talk about later, because right now it's my bedtime, and since I'm an adult, I go to bed at 9. Deal with it.

Have a lovely evening! I'm sure I'll be back on to babble soon!


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