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And We're Running!!!!!!

As the King has hit the shelves!!!! Find it on Amazon here i'm going to go run around screaming now, bye
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This is Not a Drill

FRIENDS I DID IT. I MADE A BOOK. Hold onto your pants folks, for coming in mid-April is As the King , a Young Adult Fantasy novel full of sword-fights, wicked uncles, and mistaken identities!   ( it has none of those things, don't listen to me) ~~~ (artwork by the amazing Marion !) This is Elisan, our intrepid heroine. She is unfashionably freckled but please don't hold it against her.  She was shipped off by her family to live with a foreign aunt and uncle at a young age with no explanation why. While traumatizing at the time, she's now decided was for the best, as she is quite content with her life. Elisan enjoys climbing trees, drinking tea, boxing, and dancing. She is not an accomplished artist, thinks she's a better actor than she really is, and  will  fight you if you insult one of her friends. She can currently be found boarding a train back to Verica, having just received a mysterious letter which claims she's th...


I mean, what's two years in the life of an indifferent blogger? Just a blink of the eye. So, kudos to me, it's not NaNoWriMo and I'm updating my blog!!!!! Anyway I thought I'd update the ol' Spete Blog with my newest publication announcement! Two (2) short stories! Both are older (3+ years old) works that I decided on a whim to publish ( read as: I was working on my novel and had fallen into a pit of despair because it's so long and I'm never going to finish the thing and I dismally remembered that I haven't published anything since Andrian Adventures like 10 years ago and what is even the point of keeping all my old stories to myself on my laptop if I'm just going to stare sadly at them day and isn't it much better to publish them and then stare sadly at the 0 Sales report instead ) .  They're fractured fairy tales of the silliest sort. Also, both take place in the kingdom of Atlis. I have done so much world building f...


Um, hi. Long time no see! I was dicking around on the NaNoWriMo website today and realized that I have a link to my blog on it, and I was all, "oh yeah that's right, I have a blog!" *insert derp noises* Ok. My life. November: It DID major snowstorm on the 2nd of November, which was a slap in the face after the beautiful fall we'd been having I did write a science fiction story for NaNoWriMo and it was based off the fairytale that I was going to base it off of, and it turned into a hot hot hot HOT mess because oh yes that's right, I'm terrible at NaNoWriMo. But the main character was named Bix, and there was a computer who was in the body of a human, and an evil mastermind who just kidnapped people for no reason, and at the end a very possible alien invasion! idk. It's on my list of stories to go back and revise, because I do think it has potential, but I sort of lost my control over the story about halfway through the month Thanksgiving was fun...

Dear Diary...

...or in this case, blog. Hey, so, guess what? I am terrible at blogging! Guess what Part 2? NaNoWriMo is about to start! Coincidence that I'm suddenly updating my blog???? I think not. Yeah! So, October's been real. Real awesome~ I really don't want November to start. November 2nd is supposed to be the first snow of the season, and I'm still fully embracing fall. Snow, I'm not ready for you. Go away.  Anyway, October. Lots of apple eating and picking, lovely fall colors, beautiful weather, good times.... Apparently that's all I have to say about October. That and PLEASE DON'T EVER END . Now that I've been living in Maine for a year and ten months, I'm a lot less homesick than I used to be. I no longer get outraged when people blatantly disregard right-of-way when making left hand turns (that's not true, I still get outraged, I've just come to expect it). I can say "bee-arh" and "lob-stah" like the best of them...


this is a post about cats. this one has a pug and a kitten, obviously it is superior here is another the end.


Oh yes, I ended with She's the Man . A great movie. #19 was Serenity , a lovely movie that continues Firefly . #20 is Sense and Sensibility! Genres:  Based off Book, Feelings, Romance So, yes, I love Jane Austen. I'm feeling way too lazy to find some awesome internet gifs, so that'll be skipped this time around. Best parts about this movie? Fanny Dashwood. Amazingly awful. She doesn't like the smell of books. who doesn't like the smell of books Hugh Grant? Bumbling at his best. Margaret Dashwood... in love with an atlas. Alan Rickman....being Alan Rickman. A fine film! Which reminds me: ARE YOU IN A JANE AUSTEN NOVEL?? you'd better find out.