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Saturday Yawn Fest

I decided to skip Under the Tuscon Sun, since I watched it not too long ago, which meant next on my list was....


I haven't watched these movies since college, which made sense when I sat down to rewatch them.

I remembered, very quickly, that I have probably never watched a Twilight movie sober/not at midnight making fun of the crazy people in the theater

Genres: Romance, Based off Book, Fangirl

Bella's father
"You better hold on tight, spider monkey"
a mostly decent soundtrack
better than the book

Jacob doesn't take off his shirt in this one
why are people even FRIENDS with Bella?
everything else

Moving on, I then watched 


Genres: Sappier-Romance, Based off Book, Fangirl

Jacob DOES take off his shirt in this one
Jacob also gets a haircut


 I probably don't have anything new to contribute on the internet about these movies.

I was going to watch Eclipse too, but I couldn't take any more of Kristen Stewart's faces. 

Fun fact, I refuse to see the last two movies. I hated the books (why did I even read the books?) and nothing can convince me to watch the movies based off that terrible, terrible book.

So, that was Twilight. Maybe I should've opened up a bottle of wine before starting these ones. Also, I feel really awkward about being all, "ow,ow Jacob take off your shirt for unnecessary reasons" when I remember that he's like, 16 in this movie.

...Nope, everything about this movie is awkward.

In conclusion, yes, I own the first three Twilight movies. Yes, if I was a Twilight fan, I would be on Team Jacob. Yes, I think that whole thing about him being Romantically Destined for Bella's unborn child to be the creepiest thing in the world.


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