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Day Six

... Yes. It is Day 6. For a second, I thought that maybe it was actually Day 7 and I was an idiot, but no, we're good. Might still be an idiot, though.

Well, Camp NaNoWriMo is going, if nothing else! I was amazingly (but unsurprisingly) unproductive on the 4th, wrote about 900 words yesterday, and am still getting up to my word-count-goal for today.

Happy Caturday. Here's a cat.

The Fool and the Rock

In other news, I took a hike today at a state park and then drove to Bangor and learned some things!

1) Mainers really like cairns.
 2) Maine is freaking beautiful???
3) Maine is basically the exact same as the northwoods of Minnesota and Wisconsin except with the ocean, mini-mountains, an obsession with lobster and even weirder accents.
4)  Ever since working retail for a year and a half, I've become increasingly more awkward when I talk to sales associates at stores. Not sure why. Hahahaha
5) Yup, that's about it.

Anyway, while I was sitting on the beach of the state park, there was this elderly couple who were walking in front of me, and then sitting not to far away from me, and they were basically the best old couple I'd ever eavesdropped on.
They started off my comparing all the cairns along the beach to fairy houses, which was adorable. Some of them really looked like fairy houses, but I'd never thought of them that way :)
While I was sitting on a rock, working on my sunburn, they continued to discuss the cairns they saw.

Woman: Wow, whoever made this was really ambitiousless.
Man: What? No! Can't you see, they're minimalists, not ambitiousless! Look at this cairn. They made it exactly the way they wanted it too; in their eyes, it is perfection., I think they were just lazy.

A little later, they moved on to discussing the hiking trail. Having just been on it, I knew what they were talking about.
Woman: That doesn't look like a trail.
Man: Huh?
Woman: Is that the path we saw on the chart?
Man:... I have no idea what you're talking about.
Woman: What? What are you talking about?
Man: There is a trail.
Woman: Yes, but that's not the trail, what you're on can't be the trail on the chart, can it?
Man: What chart?
Woman: Oh, you know, the one we saw.
Man: You mean the map?

Anyway. They were cute.

I should stop procrastinating and keep on writing :)

since it's apparently Caturday now, here are a few more cats.

I must go

 On a turtle, nbd.

Word Count: 7,537
Feelin': Like spending two more hours looking at cat gifs


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