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Ten Days Left

Well, Camp NaNoWriMo is winding down.

Ummm.... I wish that I had some informational nonsense to share today, but I don't.

It's been wretched hot here all week, and I've learned that there's a big difference between summering in Tucson where it's wretched hot all the time but everywhere has a/c, and summering in coastal Maine, where when it's wretched hot, not nearly enough places have a/c.

It finally cooled down last night, and should hopefully stay bearable temperatures for at least next week.

Back to writing!

The story is going well! I've been prolific this weekend, and I hope that I stay with this story past NaNoWriMo, as there's a lot more of it to write. Si is about to join a secret society (I don't even know hahaha) and Bixby has been captured and is on her way to escaping! Good luck with that, everyone. I realized that I just set up Bixby's story to have a love triangle, but I hate love triangles, and Bixby doesn't have time to deal with that nonsense anyway. Still. The possibility is there. Maybe I'll just have the two love interests get attacked by zombies. That'll clear things up nicely.

Ummmmmmmmmm yup.

Not much else to report. I finally managed (after four months) to get a collar on Francis, and now my cat looks so dapper, like a proper gentlecatman.

In other news, my little sister is visiting Boston and Belfast next weekend-- good times ahead! This means that I should probably clean.

And, that's it!

Happy Sunday, y'all!

Word Count: 22,353
Feeling:  I wish I own a gaming console.


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