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Showing posts from 2014

Dear Diary...

...or in this case, blog. Hey, so, guess what? I am terrible at blogging! Guess what Part 2? NaNoWriMo is about to start! Coincidence that I'm suddenly updating my blog???? I think not. Yeah! So, October's been real. Real awesome~ I really don't want November to start. November 2nd is supposed to be the first snow of the season, and I'm still fully embracing fall. Snow, I'm not ready for you. Go away.  Anyway, October. Lots of apple eating and picking, lovely fall colors, beautiful weather, good times.... Apparently that's all I have to say about October. That and PLEASE DON'T EVER END . Now that I've been living in Maine for a year and ten months, I'm a lot less homesick than I used to be. I no longer get outraged when people blatantly disregard right-of-way when making left hand turns (that's not true, I still get outraged, I've just come to expect it). I can say "bee-arh" and "lob-stah" like the best of them...


this is a post about cats. this one has a pug and a kitten, obviously it is superior here is another the end.


Oh yes, I ended with She's the Man . A great movie. #19 was Serenity , a lovely movie that continues Firefly . #20 is Sense and Sensibility! Genres:  Based off Book, Feelings, Romance So, yes, I love Jane Austen. I'm feeling way too lazy to find some awesome internet gifs, so that'll be skipped this time around. Best parts about this movie? Fanny Dashwood. Amazingly awful. She doesn't like the smell of books. who doesn't like the smell of books Hugh Grant? Bumbling at his best. Margaret Dashwood... in love with an atlas. Alan Rickman....being Alan Rickman. A fine film! Which reminds me: ARE YOU IN A JANE AUSTEN NOVEL?? you'd better find out.


Hmmm where did I leave off??? I don't remember. I guess I've watched some movies? Maybe? Yes. Spirited Away Sleeping Beauty Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes Game of Shadows Today we will be discussing Movie #18, one of the greatest Shakespearian adaptations of the modern age,   She's the Man   Genres: Amanda Bynes, Based off Book, Makeover Montage This movie retells the enduring classic, Twelfth Night with a modern twist! Viola and Sebastian have a 100% crazy mother who seems to spend all her time at home obsessing about her daughter becoming a lady   Viola's girl's soccer team gets cut, so she decides that while her musical bro Sebastian is touring in London, she'll take his place at Illyria High School, posing as a young lad. Her roommate is the super hot Channing Tatum, who spends most of his time with his shirt off? Or maybe I just imagine that he does. Hard to say. He is a hunky, classy dude in this film, very class...

~Live Long and Prosper~

Heyooo so today I watched my favorite movie! But before we get to that, quick update on movies I've watched since my Superman adventure. #10: Superman II   (same genres as Superman) I was drunk when I rewatched this and fell asleep halfway through, but it still counts. #11: Stardust  Genres: Fantasy, Based off Book, Romance Ok, so I do actually love this movie-- and the book!-- and I considered making the fourth genre Fancy Hair, but decided that was ridiculous #12: The Sting  Genres: Bromance, Shenanigans, Happiness I adore The Sting. Introduced to me by my father, this movie is great. First time I watched it, I thought that the SPOILERPERSON actually SPOILERDIED so that was exciting Movie #13 Star Trek!!!!   Genres: Remake, Bromance, Friendship=Magic Soooooooooooo for whatever reason, this is my favorite movie of all time. I find that fact super perplexing; like.... why???? Why is this movie my favorite??? I hadn'...


This episode has been brought to you by a bottle of Riesling So, movie #8 was Sydney White No need to worry, I brought it Genres: Some Geekery, Amanda Bynes, Fairytale Highlights: Amanda Bynes not crazy all the sneaky geekery references awkwardly based off Snow White Lowlights: They could've made her SUCH a geek her hair. the whole movie. There is something off about it. I mean, this movie is ok. Also, why is Amanda Bynes a genre? Mysterious. I sort of zoned out while watching this and read webcomics instead. Still, it's cute. anyway, onto tonight's main attraction (attractive man whaaaaat) SUPERMAN   Genres: Superhero, Action, Fangirl ...does the Fangirl genre count if I'm the only fangirl? yes. So, this is the story of Kal-El, who was sent to earth as a wee babe because his native home of Krypton was about to BLOW THE HECK UP. He is adopted by a possible Minnesotan (Jonathan Kent, I'm l...

#7 Was Forged in the Heart of a Dying Star

THOR. So I actually love this movie. Genres: Superhero, Fancy Hair, Possible Minnesotan Ok, fine I'm totally making up genres. But seriously. There might be a Minnesotan in it. I like to believe that Erik Selvig began his life in Minnesota, perhaps growing up in a rural Swedish community out in the plains, and did his undergrad, masters and maybe one of his doctorates at the University of Minnesota. LET ME HAVE MY DREAMS. Highlights: Chris Hemsworth is a magical god of thunder Asgard! So pretty! Natalie Portman being a boss Thor is such a jerk! Lowlights: It's basically a story about a jerk learning how to become slightly less of a jerk umm... not enough of Thor saying silly things Like I mentioned, I love this movie.  True fact, I am not a Loki fan. I mean, he's alright, but why do they keep on making his hair sillier in every movie? Why doesn't he have access to a decent hairdresser? I mean, there must be SOME...

Saturday Yawn Fest

I decided to skip Under the Tuscon Sun , since I watched it not too long ago, which meant next on my list was.... TWILIGHT MOVIE TIME I haven't watched these movies since college, which made sense when I sat down to rewatch them. I remembered, very quickly, that I have probably never watched a Twilight movie sober/not at midnight making fun of the crazy people in the theater Genres: Romance, Based off Book, Fangirl Highlights: Bella's father "You better hold on tight, spider monkey" a mostly decent soundtrack better than the book Lowlights: Jacob doesn't take off his shirt in this one Bella Edward why are people even FRIENDS with Bella? everything else Moving on, I then watched  NEW MOON   Genres: Sappier-Romance, Based off Book, Fangirl Highlights: Jacob DOES take off his shirt in this one Jacob also gets a haircut Lowlights: UGH BELLA THE WHOLE MOVIE  I probab...

Double Feature, Double the Feels

Tonight was Pixar night! For movies number three and four we (why did I write we, it was just me...) The Royal We watched ..... WALL-E and Up !!!!! WALL-E.... Genres: Animation, Dystopian, Romance What is there to say about WALL-E? How is it possible to make two robots so effing cute?  Why do I want to hug WALL-E throughout the whole film? Highlights: Um, yes, the only things left at the end of the world will be cockroaches and Twinkies WALL-E. Every scene. Just. WALL-E How unexpectedly and awesomely badass EVE is Lowlights: Are there any??? Oh, maybe the population of Axiom. Like, how are they making the babies? What happens to people when they die?  They must have amazing dentists on the Axiom. omg i freaking love this movie. Everything about this movie is just sassy and silly and beautiful and hilarious. next Up Genres: Adventure, Feelings, Friendship=Magic Feelings. Ugh. All the ...

Movie #2

Continuing on this grand adventure of rewatching the majority of my movies in reverse alphabetical order is the delightful..... Wreck-It Ralph! Genres: Geekery, Animation, Friendship=Magic Highlights: Um, everything Lowlights: are you kidding, this movie is great in  conclusion, throughout the whole movie, I just sat there and yelled, "I'M GONNA WRECK IT" at my cat.

I'm Bored

the title says it all? So I remembered that I own 150+ movies, and that I rarely rewatch them (yes, I most frequently rewatch Tangled and The Princess and the Frog , don't judge) I decided that since I basically don't have anything else to do with my time after work (other than the usual sort of going out every few nights and indulging my excessive reading addiction) I would start rewatching all my movies.. I would watch 100 of my movies! I agonized a long time over how to best organize them, because I knew that if I just chose at random each night I'd get bored(er) and decide I didn't want to watch any of them and just start marathoning SVU on Netflix. I decided to use the age-old decision technique of eenie-meenie-minie-mo and am going through them in reverse alphabetical order! So, Movie #1....... X-Men First Class!!!! Genres:  Superheroes, Bromance, Historicalish I'll be honest, although I love this movie, it is not my favorite bromance...

wait...what happened to winter?

Not that I'm complaining that winter's almost over. If I had things my way (aka if I could control weather) winter would never extend past March 20th. Snowstorm last week, I'm looking at you. Obviously my goal to write more on this blog went really well. I am a devoted blogger. Uhhhh.... truth be told I'm only starting back up because Camp NaNoWriMo is coming close and I once again feel the need to procrastinate by blogging. I've been throwing around a few ideas for Camp NaNo this April... I've been trying to convince myself that it's time to sit down and write a delightful science fiction planetary romance (or a good ol' fashioned space opera), but so far I'm not dedicated to it. That is, I have no ideas for a planetary romance. Plus, ugh, what if it takes place on this world that has life forms? I know I'd get way too caught up banging out the evolutionary details and no one has time for that during Camp NaNoWriMo. (AKA I am making excuses ...


This is probably the most nonsensical blog that is not written by a teenager. I read other blogs by young adults and I'm always impressed by their Deep Thoughts and Introspection. Caps are necessary. I assure you I mull over made-up and real adult problems too (sometimes) (rarely) but.. but... Cats. And yes, this is the internet, which is full of cats, but I was looking at my own cat, Francis P. Cat, and I was suddenly overcome by how adorable he is and I knew I had to blog about it. Francis P. Cat is 4 1/2 years old and is a fluffy ginger disaster. The P stands for Pickle Princess Potato Pumpkin Pumpkinbutt Pumpkinutter Princess Buttercup Princess Butterbutt Picklebutt Poophead He puts up with me most of the time, except for when he is hungry, and then he is my bff. I assume this is how most cats are. Francis is my French Roommate. Francis is not good at eating things that aren't cat kibble. This is how most of his encounters with non-kibble go: ...


Well, so it's Wednesday. Surprise. I've decided to try and be better at blogging? I am wishing myself luck with that one. Yeeeah I'm going to blog more... suuuuure I'm currently watching the pilot of Helix . I forgot that I hate stressful, mysterious, tv shows. Also, the Pretty One just found a field of dead monkeys who were bursting out of the ground???? In other news, I don't know any of the characters' names.  Hmm. Yeah, not much is new since yesterday. Read a nice, Herald of the People article today. You know, communist propaganda sort of thing. For all interested: Currently on Helix the CDC peeps are looking into a microscope that has ScienceVision. Wow. Ok. This is a really boring post! Sorry dudes! To make up for it, go and read Grimm's Fairy Tale "The Blue Light".  And don...

Heeeey Guyyysss

So, I guess it's January now? Where did that come from? Time moves too fast when you're not in school, let me tell you. In other, completely unrelated news, for a while there was this one ad on youtube that would play in which some person would say, "I recently got married not too long ago" and every time I heard her say that I flipped tables. In my head. Metaphorical tables. Well, to catch up on the gossip from two months ago (why am I so bad at blogging???) I DID finish NaNoWriMo, met my word count goal, and came out with a truly awful novel. It's hard for me to say if it's worse than 2012's novel. On one hand, I actually had a plot this time. On the other hand, it is a horrible, horrible plot. None of my characters ended up the way I wanted them to, and I think that it just sort of fell apart and couldn't redeem itself. Maye I'll rewrite it someday. Maybe. In other news, this is me all week. (how can I say 'all week'? It...